Club » Become member

Why ?

  1. Out of sympathy
  2. If you want to race your classic motorcycle in the Belgian championships you have to be a member of a club affiliated to the FMB-BMB (Fédération Motocycliste Belge – Belgische Motorrijdersbond)
  3. If you want to ride your classic bike on the roads and you want to have a specific Insurance scheme you need to be a member of a club affiliated to the FBVA-BFOV (Fédération Belge des Véhicles Anciennes – Belgische Federatie voor Oude Voertuigen).

What’s that going to cost me ?

  1. Individual formula (indispensable as a pilot)
    Member: 30 €/year
  2. Family-formula
    Individual formula + 10 € per additional (non-racing!) family-member.